Darwin's Monstrous Error
A crippling critique of Darwinism and the depressing state of modern science.
When considering the validity of continental scientific theory, one thought that almost never protrudes into the mind of modern man or woman is: what system is this founded on? To expand on this, what I mean by system is the physical or metaphysical reality in which the theory is inextricably linked to. Contrary to popular belief, every single scientific theory is, in fact, founded on a system of metaphysics. Even those that proclaim that there are no metaphysics, are still making a statement regarding reality. As such, when the Logical Positivists reduce metaphysics into obscurity in their view, they are still posting a position—which is, that materialism is the reality of the cosmos.
Having said that, the reality or theory of reality that Charles Darwin and his apostles are inescapably linked to is the model of Pythagorean metaphysics. While neither Darwin himself nor any of his followers have ever declared this openly—nor would they want to—it is an undeniable truth that his system demands the reality of Pythagoras in order to even be considered as potentially true. Now, one thing to clarify is that most scientific theories today do not agree with all of Darwin’s teachings, and the theory of evolution held up by post-modern Westerners relies on entirely different modes of understanding, which will be discussed another time. What is crucial to perceive here is that Darwin is the first to popularize the theory of evolution, or at least take credit for it, and he can alone be scapegoated as the master of this worldview.
The Flaw
So I mentioned that Darwin’s theories depend entirely on the machinations of Pythagoras. What does it mean? Why should it matter? Let’s take a look at both of these questions and succinctly deal with this in one fell swoop:
What does it mean for Darwinism to be hinged on Pythagorean metaphysics?
Pythagorean metaphysics entail that the language of the cosmos is mathematical and logical in nature, set in place by a god whose sacred tongue is geometrical design. This is one of the famed arguments of Western church traditions, that the universe is mathematical and commands the belief in the Western concept of God. So to begin with, any agnostic appealing to Darwinism or a system like his, has to admit that the Protestant can use the same system to justify the existence of his God.
Now, what it means truly for Darwin to need Pythagorean metaphysics, is that his entire theory is nonsense without it. He appeals to the fact that animal species are not just categories of description, but that these categories of description (such as fur, quadrupedal, feline family) merit ontological reality. In short, this means that according to Darwin, the description for the cat family is not just a man-made idea, but is a cosmic reality. Therefore, any animal sharing those descriptions and belonging to this category, is actually partaking in one shared Essence with all other members of this family. This is a watered-down version of Plato’s “Ideas”, in that there is an original, divine, heavenly Fairness to which all other fairnesses on earth emulate, or an original divine and heavenly Wolf to which all other wolves partake in, as a single breathing community organism, rather than particular individuals.
Why should that matter?
It matters because Darwin’s theory is based on 3,000 year old Hellenic metaphysics, and so any critique of Christianity being based on 3,000 year old Israelite metaphysics is null and void, and completely arbitrary.
The Platonic Ideas are contrary to Scripture and to the entirety of modern Western science. So the upholding of the belief in Evolution, while at the same time condemning the system that Darwin needs in order for it to work, is intellectual dishonesty and an impossibility.
The agnostic Westerner, by appealing to such ancient metaphysics proves himself or herself to be relying on a system of science that is incapable of producing a new understanding of the universe. This is undeniable proof, then, of the fact that Western science is, in actuality, just a cheap replication of philosophical pondering that we have all been overusing for the past 3,000 years. It also turns the agnostic into a laughing stock, in that, he or she would be forced to admit that they uphold a system of metaphysics so mystical and unfalsifiable, that even the church fathers from 2,000 years ago declared them as insanity, and contrary to physical reality.
Finally, appealing to unfalsifiable data makes mince-meat of the agnostic complaints against Christian theology, or Islamic, or Hindu for that matter. If an agnostic can appeal to voids in knowledge and use those empty spaces as excuses to fill them with fantastical stories, then why can’t a Hindu from Tamil Nadu do the very same, as proof of Hinduism?
In summation, Darwinism is a carefully-disguised reworking of ancient philosophy, and as such, exposes itself as more sorcerous and unbelievable than the ancient Christians it intended to correct.